Julius Macalagay
PR Specialist
Strike Group Australia
1/263 Toombul Rd., Northgate, QLD 4013
T:1300 792 044 M: +61731023274
Ridging4aCause and raising awareness of male depression
BRISBANE, 20 September 2010 – Today Riding4aCause finishes its first major ride from Sydney to the Northern Territory to increase awareness of male depression.
Male depression affects 1 in 8 men worldwide, impacting families, friends and colleagues. Raz Chorev, Andrew Blanda and Robbie James are the men behind Riding4aCause and are passionate about supporting men and their families who are suffering from depression.
Strike, Australia’s leading provider of Bluetooth communication devices for motorcycles has sponsored the event by donating motorcycle products for the riders to use whilst on the road – including the Cardo Scala Rider headset and Strike Genius GPS.
Chris Ryan, CEO of Strike said he was honoured to sponsor such a great event and for such a good cause. “It’s important to raise awareness about depression in males as research shows men are far less likely to seek medical treatment than females. Those suffering from depression need to know that support and help is available,” Mr Ryan said.
After this year’s success, next year is expected to be even more adventurous with a ride across the USA planned – including Disneyland and Disneyworld in LA and Florida.
Chris Ryan of Strike said he would be more than happy to continue to support the event next year and hopes that other companies who might be able to assist can also add value.
About Ride 4 a Cause: The aim of Ride 4 a Cause is to shed light on male depression and educate men about what signs to look out for. Riding4acause is promoted across a variety of social media platforms to encourage discussion about male depression and to remove the stigma that’s associated with mental health disorders.
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About Strike:
Strike Group is Australia’s leading provider and manufacturer of innovative car technologies. Strike integrates innovative design and seamless engineering in all of its products. The company now exports to 72 countries having appointed key partners in the American and European market