Mai Villareal
Marketing & Multimedia Manager
Strike Group Australia
1/263 Toombul Rd., Northgate, QLD 4013
Strike Group's Alpha Car Cradle used in Samsung Connected Car at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Show
Brisbane, October 12, 2016 - A Samsung Connected Car featuring at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) in San Diego on October 15-17, will utilise an Alpha Strike Car Cradle.
Samsung Enterprise Alliance Program partner, Strike Group, is the world's leading company in hands-free tech solutions, well known for manufacturing sturdy, versatile, and adaptable car phone holders. The Strike device holder in question is an Alpha Note 7 Wireless charging cradle; it is mounted to the car's centre console.
As a project with Samsung, the police car will feature a variety of hardware compatible* with the Samsung brand:
- the Gear 360 Camera;
- the Samsung Auto Connect OBDII connector (which works with a Samsung Fleet Monitoring app);
- a mobile Dispatch app (connects to Sungard Control Works client) onto a GearS2 Watch;
- the TabPro S connected to a Thermal printer and Magstripe+1/2D barcode scanner for Drivers Licenses; and
- the Strike Alpha Car Cradle for the Note 7 (running an Android app to access RMS).
"This is a perfect opportunity to showcase our remarkable car cradles to the wider American and Canadian market," Chris Ryan, CEO of Strike Group, says. "We are truly proud to be part of the Samsung Enterprise Alliance Program."
Strike looks forward to the opportunities within the police forces in Canada and the US.
Strike's wide range of Samsung Car phone holders can be viewed here.
*Click here for an image download pack.
You can download the pdf version of this media release here.
About Strike Group
Strike Group is Australia's leading provider and manufacturer of innovative car technologies. Strike integrates innovative design and seamless engineering in all of its products. The company now exports to 72 countries having appointed key partners in the American and European market.