Strike Group’s Big Success at the IACP San Diego Road Show

Just last month, Strike Group's Alpha Cradle was featured in the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) show held in San Diego. The show garnered an incredible amount of interest, and was overall a big success for everyone involved.

The annual IACP show is the world's largest gathering of members of law enforcement coming together to share their experience, knowledge, strategies, and solutions. The show is designed to support and educate professionals in law enforcement and their teams to better protect and serve the public. Of the various events, key-note speakers, and programs featured in the convention, one was the Samsung Connected Car display.

The Strike Alpha Cradle was installed in a Samsung Connected Car, which also showcased other Samsung hardware such as the Gear 360 Camera, the TabPro S, a mobile Dispatch app that connects to a GearS2 Watch, and the Samsung Auto Connect OBDII connector.

And although the car used a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone cradle (Samsung recalled Note 7 only a few days prior to the event), it was replaced with the S7 version after the show.

Strike gained an abundance of praise. The chiefs generated tonnes of interest in the induct charging capability of the Strike Alpha Car Cradle. There seemed to be desired to install the phone dock in not only their agencies’ fleets, but also their own personal vehicles as well. This is incredible news for Strike Group.

Other things that gained attention from the attendees included the coming soon Push-to-Talk feature for next generation Samsung devices, fleet management, virtual reality devices (VR), phones and tables, and Gear watches. The car was the perfect stage to display all these compatible devices in working order.

Strike's wide range of Samsung Car phone holders can be viewed here.

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